Discover the Art of What's Possible.

Improve profit, streamline workflow, & organize actionable data.

Proven Benefits to Your Bottom Line


Reduce human touch by 50%


Improve gross margins by >25%


120-day insurance delinquency average of 0-5%

Intelligent Software to Support Efficiency

We believe that artificial intelligence should support human intelligence by eliminating redundancy. Our team specializes in process development, and we designed Cairn Software to remove wasted human time. Cairn Software boasts dozens of advanced rules engines to seamlessly communicate through different forms and types of data, flagging any issues along the way.

Aggregate Your Data Into Actionable Information

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, data is king. Businesses must adapt developing technology to optimize processes and gain a competitive advantage. The healthcare industry is no different. Medical billing and revenue cycle management companies manage troves of data and require advanced, powerful software to organize information in a way that’s consumable and actionable for all stakeholders.

Cairn Software organizes data with its adaptable, single workflow process system that can:

  • Audit workflow processes
  • Expose questionable activity
  • Improve gross margin
  • Increase workflow efficiency
  • Track business trends

Cairn Software Benefits Your Entire Team

  • C-Suite

    • Access data analytics for staff training
    • Create a future-ready environment
    • Improve revenue
    • Reduce human touch with automated claims processing and coding audits
    • View one-click dashboard reports
  • Management

    • Access sophisticated and accurate reports
    • Cloud-based application
    • Hassle-free data migration
    • HL7 compliance
    • One-click eligibility verification
    • Sort queues quickly by items requiring management attention

  • Employees

    • Access focused training programs
    • Instant communicator to share messages
    • Quick turnaround times
    • Regulatory compliance

About US

Cairn Software provides companies with innovative tools to access actionable healthcare data. Built on more than 35 years of industry expertise, our company strives to make data relevant to your specific needs. We’re at the forefront of predictive analytics, helping companies discover tangible ways to meet financial goals. Every aspect of Cairn Software is grounded in accountability and designed to boost your organization’s accuracy and gross margin.

Contact us

Contact Our Team to Discover the Art of What's Possible!

Macon, Georgia


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